Category: Video

Photographers – Personal Security While Out In Nature

Published / by adminjc

Hi Everyone,

When you’re out taking photographs in nature, you need to be responsible for your own security. If you’re like me, you can be hours away from any law enforcement, while carrying a few thousand dollars of camera gear. In this video I talk about a couple tools I use for my security and to protect my gear.

I hope you enjoy this video How do you protect yourself and your gear out in nature?

Check out my other videos on my YouTube channel

Have Fun,

What’s In My Bag – Charging My Phone In Nature

Published / by adminjc

Hi Everyone,

Check out my video on powering your phone and tablet when you can’t plug in.

If you find yourself nowhere near an electrical outlet, but need to charge your phone or tablet, then this power supply is just what you need. It will quickly charge your devices and get you going again.

I purchased one of these when I was taking a lot of photos with my phone at a Pompeii exhibit, and drained my battery. Since then, I’ve used it when in nature and at events where I can’t charge my phone easily. I just plug in the power supply to my phone to quickly charge it up.

Have Fun,