Lots Of Changes

Hi Everyone,

There are a lot of changes going on with my three websites. I’m hoping these changes will make things easier for you, and me. I have moved my ebooks at CreativeCauldron.com and my blog at TheCreativesCorner.com to JeffColburn.com

This way, you can go to one site and see everything. If you have signed up for my monthly newsletter, you will continue to receive it on the 7th of each month. The email for March will be larger than normal, it’s just how the system works since I have the blog set up at a new website. After that, it will only show posts added since the last newsletter.

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I have also renamed the newsletter Jeff Colburn’s Photography Newsletter, which will be the new heading of your email. If you have any problems with your newsletter, please let me know at info@JeffColburn.com

Finally, I will be closing down CreativeCauldron.com and TheCreativesCorner.com. In a day or two those sites will autoforward to JeffColburn.com, and in a few months be gone.

Have Fun,

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